The addition of essential oils in aromatherapy boosts and reinforces the essential benefits of a traditional massage. The MakeOver Place Aromatherapy Massage is a hands-on therapy that seeks to induce relaxation, increase energy, and reduce the consequences of stress to revive lost balance to body, mind, and soul. During your session, MoP’s massage therapists diffuse essential oil for a calming aroma or add a couple of drops to the massage lotion.
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Body wrapping is based on the celebrated technique of heat wrapping. Marine wrap treatment is a deeply detoxifying, combining the richness of marine minerals, sea mud and plant essences. Organic tea Salt Therapy is applied for exfoliation and tempering the skin before a warm Marine Mask is applied and the body cocooned in a comforting wrap. For total relaxation and complete comfort, a soothing scalp massage is performed. To finish, an enlivening lotion is massaged to rejuvenate.
Benefits: Eliminates toxins and cellulite, filters tissues, firms
This body treatment gives a radiant skin- it is ideal just before a vacation, waxing or a tanning session. Total body care that polishes, has full exfoliation with salt crystals, a soothing massage, and intense moisturization.
Benefits: Hydrates, moisturizes, gives sheen